Friday, December 9, 2011

Update to "Five Questions."

We had a lovely dinner with Eric's Mom Joanne and Step-Dad Bruce tonight in downtown Manchester. Joanne read yesterday's blog post and added some valuable information to the 'Favorite toy' question.  It seems that Eric's recollection of running into a car was a little more serious. That incident, as she recalls, frightened her half-to-death as little Eric came running to her yelling "I hit a car" so she thought the car was moving and hit him! Turns out, he needed stitches after driving his favorite big yellow Tonka truck into a parked car. (Yes, the car was in deed parked.) So it wasn't just a little bump on the head as he recalls. It was a frantic drive to the hospital emergency room fearing he split his head open! Ah... childhood memories. Reminds me of my own incident when I was rushed to get stitches. I was at a Halloween party when some redheaded kid pushed me down onto hard concrete. Breaking my fall was my arm, but right on top of some fake costume fingernail tips (not mine). One of those deadly tips sliced right into my elbow. So my Dad and 'Big Fat Buddy' (we called him Big Fat Buddy because his name was Bud and he was big and fat — hey, it was before political correctness) took me to the emergency room. I still look at that scar as if it's a badge of honor. If you did not get some kind of scar when you were a child, you were not living!

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