Thursday, December 8, 2011

Eric Answers Five Questions.

I have always been annoyingly inquisitive. My mother remembers that I used to ask many questions over and over and over again when I was a chatty child. That has not changed. Especially when Eric and I are driving to a workshop and we're in the van for 16 hours. I revel in asking him random, insignificant questions. But, he does not enjoy answering them so much. Usually after the tenth inquisition, he pretends he cannot hear me. Nonetheless, I decided that I would regularly feature a "Eric Answers Five Questions" post. This will help when he complains that I'm ridiculously interrogating him — I can simply counter with "It's for the Blog!" 

Me: What was your favorite toy when you were a kid? 
Eric: Easy. My yellow Tonka dump truck. But one day, I ran my truck into a parked car. That's how I got that bump on my head.
(editor's note... he gave me a demonstration)

Me: If you could only eat one food item for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Eric: I would say Peanut Butter since you could survive on that.

Me: What is your favorite color?  
Eric: Blue
(editor’s note... boring! I'm surprised he didn't say yellow)

Me: Have you ever eaten a crayon?   
Eric: No. But I have eaten clay.
Me: On purpose?  
Eric: No. When someone shoved it down my throat in High School during art class.

Me: What were you doing 3 hours ago?  
Eric: Responding to your brother on the Fantasy Football Smack Board and making you dinner. Stop asking me questions.
Me: Until next week.


  1. That was six questions... looks like you'll have to rename the concept already!

  2. Hah! lol. It is technically 5 1/2 questions since one question stemmed from the previous on. And I simply rounded down.
