Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I love everything about the holidays except these...

Peanut M&M's. They are evil! Why I buy them, I do not know. Well, I do know because RiteAid was doing a special and I bought two of the big-gluttonous-calorie-busting-bags for 4 bucks. How could I resist? And they're red and green — so festive. But see this bowl? It was overflowing-full. When I took this pic, I said I was done. But there was 13 left. I cannot leave 13 in the bowl, that is bad luck! So I ate three and left it at 10 (okay, that was a lie. I left 5.)


  1. They are the devil's work. I agree. I can't allow myself to buy them as I will eat them all too. Just a couple after dinner, that is all I am going to have, really, just a couple, well maybe a couple more...
