We want to thank Sharon and Anne for hosting Eric's latest Workshop! It was good fun and lots of laughs! Hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as we did! Hope to see Gail, Darlene, Anne, Sharon, Marjorie and Michelle again next year January 3rd, 2012! (Uhmmm... I mean 2013! Thanks Tony...) If you live in the Ocala, Florida area, stop in at Sharon Baiardi's The Basket Cases at 3760 NW 17th Place or visit thebasketcases.com. She offers open weaving and classes in a large, comfortable room with areas to weave at standard tables or bar height tables with stools. She also has many baskets on display, plenty of supplies and good music. Snacks are also available on the honor system (piggy bank stands watch). So stop in!

Wouldn't that be January 3rd, 2013?
Oh my gosh!!! Yes! 2013! Tony - you constantly remind me how 'on the ball' you are! I'm going to get a chocolate bar from our 'secret drawer of candy when we're feeling inferior.' Guess it will be extra situps tomorrow.